2nd Street ●

Neutral weight of memories [ALENA] created by Yulia "Boris" Maksim
10 replies
replied to by Yulia "Boris" Maksim
May 3, 2015 21:42:57 GMT
put it in a song [O] created by Juliette Evans
3 replies
replied to by Munire Kovac
Apr 12, 2015 16:52:32 GMT
Criminal devil in the church [LENART] created by Isidor Faust
4 replies
replied to by Isidor Faust
Mar 11, 2015 0:54:55 GMT
2nd Street has 3 threads and 20 posts

Second street is a street that runs close by Main, but not as popular. More family run type of stores land here and are popular among the regular townsfolk. A small little diner, a bookstore, a little hardware store, and other such places seem to work perfectly fine even if they're not on the main street.