Barclay University ●

Neutral Periodic Frustrations (Ian) created by Alexander Rosstillo
3 replies
replied to by Ian Indigo
Apr 27, 2015 22:38:22 GMT
Neutral all the answers [ALEX] created by Bastion Lewis
4 replies
replied to by Bastion Lewis
Apr 17, 2015 20:12:57 GMT
CriminalNeutral lonely sunday [JESSE] created by Bastion Lewis
12 replies
replied to by Bastion Lewis
Apr 7, 2015 21:05:59 GMT
Neutral Gravity Falls [Open] created by Luke Indigo
12 replies
replied to by Luke Indigo
Mar 8, 2015 20:54:28 GMT
Barclay University has 6 threads and 40 posts

The ivy league college with a reputation has a strong exchange student program and has high ranking marks with their Mathematics and English courses. It has a extremely large campus as well. The college is usually packed with all kinds of people and it tends to be hard to get lost with the directories that are all over the campus literally ten feet from each other.